Friday Devotional - Social Media

Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional - Social Media

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday Devotional

You ever seen a post or discussion on social media regarding a dividing issue that got your blood boiling?

For me I dropped Twitter Fall of 2020 exactly because of that; kept coming across controversial posts on very dividing topics. All I wanted to do was slap them around a bit or even throw the Bible at them. Then recently I came across a few verses from 2 Timothy that discussed how to handle these types of quarrels.

These verses were a wakeup call to me. Telling me that instead of stirring up hate in my heart for those that think different I should show them love and compassion, as Christ did, asking that God stir their hearts and open their eyes to His Truth.

My hope is these verses will be more front of mind next time I encounter an individual or group with a worldview vastly different than mine.

Photo Credit: Marten Bjork via
