Friday Devotional – Tired

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

This week one of our ministry partners, LifeWise Academy, made national news with what they’re doing with public school Bible education during school hours (See LifeWise). The problem is when the news organizations don’t give all the information shared, folks become angry and vocal. These news folks use the controversy that comes out of it for click bait and for getting people riled up. This kind of stuff gets tiring.
So, it’s on that note that I come to our devotions this week. (Psalm 59) makes us look a little closer at the relentless battles of life, the things that make us weary, what then what to do with those feelings. Because of this, I can really relate to what David is saying. Sometimes I feel like I’m hearing it and/or experiencing it from all sides and in all kinds of ways too. I see the world, our country, and our culture becoming more hostile towards “other thinking”. No matter what the topic is. The world can be relentless…and we get tired. If you’re not tired today, someone next to you probably is.
So many people I talk to are exhausted when they get into bed. Tired of the battles in life. But, may we each grab hold of passages like Psalm says, “I will sing of your strength and steadfast love in the morning, for you are my fortress and refuge in times of distress.” David continues to remind himself to lift his eyes to the Lord. He looks and prays for wisdom, discernment, comfort, protection, strength and ultimately deliverance. We can do the same thing. When we go to bed distressed and tired, we each get a brand-new morning to start anew. We have an opportunity to start our day by reading the Word, praying, listening and singing Christian music, or simply closing our eyes and resting in His presence for a few moments.
May we each keep lifting our eyes to the Lord, taking advantage of each new day.