Friday Devotional - When your Pain Leads to God's Transforming Moment

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Think back 12 years ago… What job were you at? What did your family look like? Where did you live?
Now imagine that you get sick. Sick enough that you have to:
- Quit your job
- Spend your checking account, savings account and 401K on doctors’ visits that lead to no answers
- Move away from your home
- Are shunned/shamed by the church – they think your sickness is tied to an unrepentant sin of yours
- Friends abandon you
- Leave your family
- Be alone
With that in mind, carefully read the story of the woman who was bleeding in Mark 5:25-34.
Why would God ask her to suffer with this? For HIS glory. To point to Him! Twelve years to God is literally the blink of an eye, especially when eternity with Him is our reward.
What are you facing right now that feels like your 12 years of suffering? I’d encourage you to look for glimpses of God’s faithfulness in the trial; the hope of His redemptive work. It’s always there. And know that God is ALWAYS good and uses everything FOR His good; He redeems all situations, circumstances and trials. Everything can change in an instant – this story tells us that much. Our one touch to Jesus can heal us and be our moment of transformation! This moment propels us forward to “go in peace and be free from our suffering.”
Where do you need to ask God to help you seek Him and find the transformation to “go in peace and be free”?