Friday Devotional - Yes, It Matters.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

With the Presidential election happening here in America right now, it’s getting harder and harder to watch and listen to all the talk. There’s so much frustration out there. So many negative discussions. It’s baffling how people can look at the very same thing and come away with totally different viewpoints. Even to the point of arguing and name calling. Right now, folks either love or hate the candidates…and others because of it.
The same thing was true with Jesus. And still is. John 7 gives us a peek:
- (John 7: 12) says there was “widespread whispering” about Him. Lots of talk (even without Facebook).
- (John 7: 43) says there was “division among the people” because of Him.
- Some were so much against Him that they wanted Him dead.
- Others supported Him to the point of crowning Him the Messiah.
- A huge divide was beginning to take place. This division was real…and heated. Both Jesus’ words, and his works, were causing division.
Yes, we’re seeing the same things occurring in our day. Both in politics, and with the name of Jesus. There’s division. I know what I believe. I’m trusting you know what you believe. But we can’t force anyone to believe like us. Nor can anyone else. But I do know this, like with Jesus’ example, our words and actions matter.
So may we be people who glorify God with the WHAT and HOW we say and do things. Both with the things that come out of our mouths, and the actions we take. What we say, write, and do matters to our families, communities, country, and world. And ultimately to the Kingdom.