Monday Mission - Put Forth the Effort

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
After the end of King Solomon's reign, his son Rehoboam was to assume the throne. However, earlier, due to Solomon's sins - Jeroboam had also been anointed as king. Summarizing a full story quickly - Rehoboam ended up ruling the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin (collectively called Judah) and Jeroboam ruled the 10 northern tribes.
Even though God had chosen Jeroboam, and the promise was fulfilled when he became king - Jeroboam did not follow God's ways. He was concerned that the people from the northern tribes would continue to go to Jerusalem to worship and then revert back to follow Rehoboam. To combat this, he made two golden calves and placed one in Bethel (near the border with Judah) and one in Dan (in the north). He made it "convenient" for his people. But this convenience was against God and helped cause the eventual downfall of the northern tribes. As a leader, Jeroboam failed. The people as well, took the easy route, did not put forth the effort, and fell away from following the true God.
Every day, choose to do what is right and put forth the effort. God is worth it.
1 Kings 12 NIV - Israel Rebels Against Rehoboam - Bible Gateway
Photo by Massimo Sartirana on Unsplash