Monday Mission - Celebrate Our Country

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Happy 4th of July! Today our country turns 246 years old.
We are not without blemish, not even close. There’s plenty of mistakes that our country has made in our history and I don’t want to lose sight of how we can be better, do better and make people’s lives better.
Today, though, I do want to celebrate though all of the freedoms that we have in this country. We can go to church and choose to believe what we want to believe. We can choose how we educate our children (i.e., public school, private, homeschool). We can jump in a car and go to the store to find what we need. We have a government that protects us from outside countries that don’t want the best for us. We have men and women who volunteer to protect us and sacrificially are willing to pay for our safety with their lives.
Our mission today is to be thankful for the freedoms that we have in the United States. Thank God today for the blessings He’s given us in this country and ask that He continue to guide and grant wisdom to our leaders and to us in leading well in the areas that He’s calling us to.
Photo credit: Cristina Glebova via