Monday Mission - Face a Fear

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Did you know that the Bible says something about not being fearful 365 times? That’s one reminder for each day of the year that we don’t need to live in fear.
Today’s mission is to do something that goes against a fear. Maybe you are fearful of trying to do something new – give it a try today! Maybe you are fearful to have a conversation that you’ve been avoiding – pray about it first and then pick up the phone. Or maybe you fear giving something to God because you aren’t sure that He can be trusted. God is the most faithful one and can be trusted with everything, especially something that’s close to our hearts.
Whatever fear is staring you down, remember who is on your side and giving you strength. Stare right back at the fear and tell it to have a seat!
Photo credit: Unsplash - Filippo Ruffini