Pizza Ranch Serves

Person with open bible in lap with word beliefs in shadow

Friday Devotional - Challenging Our Beliefs

If you've been following along with us, we're making our way through the book of Acts in the Bible. Today we asked the question, "Have you ever believed in something to be true, so true that you'd defend it with all its worth, only to find out later that you were wrong?" This question involves deep-seeded beliefs that one might take to the grave. In Acts 9:43-10:48 we see a few examples of these types of beliefs being challenged in the early Christian church. Do these same beliefs challenge us today? 

Wednesday Story of Impact - Bismarck Soft Opening

"We were so happy to give back to the community where mother's choose life in their pregnancies," said co-owner Vicki Sedivec. "God is so faithful and we can't wait to share more of how He moved mountains."

Orange sunset over mountains

Friday Devotional - Miracles

Today's devotion picks up in the Book of Acts with Peter going throughout the region to visit, encourage, and build up the church and its people. There had been so much persecution that it was driving people out of Jerusalem and into the surrounding lands. Now was a time a peace and growth. The church was expanding quickly and today's story shows how the Holy Spirit was making that happen through the stories of others. Read Acts 9:31-43

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Friday Devotional - A Changed Life

Today's devotion picks up in Acts right after Saul, a man who had a dangerous reputation of persecuting Christians, becomes an example of a changed life. Saul gives his life to Christ and is immediately changed. He's filled with the Holy Spirit and begins telling others about Jesus. (Acts 9:17-31)