Wednesday Story of Impact- Orange City, IA
Emmett is a 10-year-old from Orange City, IA who suffered a pontine stroke 2 weeks ago. Several employees at the Support Center know Emmett and his family through school and church related activities. Our entire organization has been lifting him up in prayer throughout his road to recovery.

Tuesday Truth - Prepare Your Heart
Prepare your heart. During this Holy Week reflect, pray, and rejoice for all that He endured on our behalf. Prepare not only this week but prepare also for His return.

Monday Mission - Fruitful Faith
On the day following Palm Sunday, a day filled with praise and exaltation, Jesus passes a fig tree on his return to Jerusalem. The tree appeared

Friday Devotional - Palm Sunday
This Sunday many Christians around the world will celebrate Palm Sunday. At our church this will involve kids ages 3-10 waving palm branches...

Thursday Video - God of All My Days
God's in control of all of our days and can be trusted in all situations.

Wednesday - Story of Impact
Wednesday - Story of Impact Struggles in life happen, and sometimes we need others help to get by, even help to get from one day to the next.

Tuesday Truth - Grace for the Wandering
Tuesday Truth God’s grace extends to us, even when we’ve wandered away. Yesterday we looked at a few quick questions to check our spiritual health. If you’re feeling distant from God right now, know that God loves you and is waiting with open arms for you to turn to him.

Monday Mission - Checkup
Monday Mission – Check your spiritual pulse We all go through physical and spiritual ups and downs throughout our lifetime. Where are you at right now? Take a few minutes to do a quick spiritual check.

Friday Devotions- Self Validation
We live in a world that is very individualistic – tossing around phrases like “express yourself” and “live your best life”. We post things on social media to show others what we have or can do.

Thursday Video - Passion
Even you have never seen "The Greatest Showman" starring Hugh Jackman (you should), this video clip is a great example of having passion. A…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Oelwein Pizza Ranch
Brandy Hershey and her team at the Oelwein Pizza Ranch have built a lasting relationship with a few of their guests. Three guests, Jim,…

Tuesday Truths - Love with Action
Pastor Alton Trimble said, "servant leadership is when we allow Christ to be Lord of our lives...his Lordship will be expressed in the way…