Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission – Resolutions

There is Still Time to Plan for Improvement and a Pursue Your Dreams 2017 What New Year’s resolutions or improvement plans have you made to pursue your dreams in 2017?  Don’t worry if you have not done this yet, be encouraged as there is still time.  As the famous Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true if we […]

Friday Devotional – Attracted to What?

John 6 opens with the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 out in a deserted area by the Sea of Galilee. When the people saw his miracles, they became so consumed with him that they were ready to follow him anywhere. And they did. Even when Jesus slipped away, walking out to his disciples out […]

Friday Devotional – The Gospel Message

-Man has not kept, nor can he keep, the requirements of God. -To fail to keep His requirements is sin.  We all fall short. -The penalty of sin is death, separation from God. -Jesus came to give His body as a sacrifice for all sin. -Jesus is God’s only provision for the removal of sin. […]

Stories of Impact – Clinton, IA

Pizza Ranch loves to give back to the community and support the local schools.  Pizza Ranch in Clinton, IA had a Community Impact Night with Morrison Schools Foundation NFP.  They are grateful to everyone who came out to support Morrison Schools.  Also grateful to the generous guests, great volunteers and legendary Ranch Hands who worked […]

Tuesday Truth – Plato

“Kindness is more than deeds.  It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch.  It is anything that lists another person.” – Plato

Monday Mission – Simplify

We all have a lot of things on our plate-but do all of these things need to be there?  As you start 2017, Simplify your life, stop worrying about things you cannot control. Take a breath, let them go and get focused on the things that you can take care of!