Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – Solitude

As we approach this Easter Sunday how can we honor God? Jesus reminds us “He loves when we spend quite time with Him in solitude and prayer.”!   “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16 What comes to your mind when you think of solitude? Dread? Maybe you think of a prisoner in […]

Thursday Video – Resurrecting

Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we are grateful to celebrate His resurrection and the hope that we have forever in Him! Praise to God for creating a way for us to be with Him in heaven and the amazing assurance that we have because of His love for us!   Video

Stories of Impact – North Dakota and Montana

Last week Pizza Ranches in Minot and Grand Forks, ND partnered with the Children’s Miracle Network to host two Community Impact nights. Special guests, Miss North Dakota 2016 Macy Christianson and other title holders from the state, were present to help guests and bus tables. Together they raised over $2,000 to benefit the Children’s Miracle […]

Monday Mission – Easter Blessing

As Easter weekend approaches, consider ways that you can be a blessing to others as Jesus was a blessing to all of us. Is there a friend that you need to ask forgiveness of? Is there a coworker going through a hard time that could use an uplifting e-mail? Do you have a family member […]

Friday Devotional – How to Live a Brave and Beautiful Life

What do you think of when you picture someone who lives a brave life? … maybe a solider, a missionary? What do you think of when you picture someone who lives a beautiful life? … Kate Middleton, the person who appears to “have it all?” One of the Proverbs 31 devotionals is based on Psalm […]

Monday Mission – It’s All Yours, God Part 1

*Note: Several days this week, Pizza Ranch Serves will center on the idea of “It’s All Yours, God”.  This is part 1* Because we live in God’s world, today’s encouragement is to use what God has given us in a way that is efficient, and to encourage others around you to do the same.  This …

Friday Devotional – Racing

This morning for devotions we looked at racing.  For those of you that have ever run a race, you know there is a big difference between running the race to complete it or to run the race to win it.  I have run a number of races in my life, but I don’t ever remember […]