Thursday Thoughts- Interesting Facts About Angels

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

I still remember when I was a young kid, seeing different pictures of what Angels looked like and descriptions of the different things they did. I didn't have a whole lot of understanding about them. I still don't completely understand them so I looked up some facts about them online.
1. Angels are guardians over us -- Daniel 12:1
2. Angels are not to be worshiped -- Revelation 19:10
3. Angels do not marry -- Matthew 22:30
4. Angels were created before humans -- Job 38:4-7
5. Angels live forever -- Luke 20:36
6. There are two angels listed by name in the Bible: Michael and Gabriel
7. There are different kinds of angels: Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels, and Fallen Angels
8. There are too many angels to count -- Psalm 68:17
There are many interesting stories of angels and these are just a few examples. I encourage you to find more mentions of them and discover more interesting facts on Angels and how God uses them.