Thursday Thoughts - Study

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Thursday Thoughts - Study

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Thursday Thoughts
Reading the Bible daily
Photo credit: Aaron Burden via Unsplash

How to Study the Bible (Foundations)

The YouVersion Bible app has a great plan on studying the bible. Today's message talked about marination and how important it is when we marinate food, to let it rest in the marination long enough to taste good. Marination takes time to work.

The Bible is like marination, it takes time when reading and studying to allow the marination to start to work in us and through us. The writer shared this prayer they use before studying.

“Lord, please open me to your word, and open your word to me.”

The writer also shared these thoughts regarding prayer. God and the Holy Spirit speak to us every day, so don’t get frustrated when you don’t get an answer or the answer you were praying. “Actively looking for small ways in which God speaks to you.”

Colossians 4:2

Jeremiah 29:12

Psalm 145:18
