Tuesday Truths - A New Creation

Pizza Ranch Serves

Tuesday Truths - A New Creation

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday Truths
Tuesday 5 9

Our God is a big God who has big, good things for His children. We talked yesterday about how He wants us to trust that He can transform us into something good. Today we’ll continue to walk that path.

After I sanded down and primed the piano, I chose a shade of light gray to paint it. After several hours of painting, I stepped back a final time and realize that it wasn’t the right color I wanted. It was way too light and needed to be changed. Sometimes we walk in faith down a road that we believe that God is leading us; sometimes it’s us choosing one road instead of listening for God’s voice, but other times I think that God wants to simply take us a on a scenic detour to teach us something along the way.

I went back to the hardware store the next day for paint that was a few shades darker and set to work again that night. One solid (second) first of darker gray paint and I knew that I had made the right choice. The next night was night #4 of painting and you better believe I was glad to be done that that next and final coat of paint. But you also better believe that I was glad that I listened to that little voice that said to be brave and try again.

This life isn’t easy, but I believe that God asks us to trust Him because not only does He want to meet us where we are and smooth out imperfections, He also wants to transform us into something beautiful that only He is capable of doing.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul boldly tells us that “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

Just as a few coats of paint breathes new life into an old piano, when we give our life to Christ, He transforms us into something beautiful. We receive His Holy Spirit and have full access to relationship with Jesus. He wants us to have new life in Him and freely gives it. What a powerful reminder of the awesome God we trust and by whom are saved.
