Tuesday Truths - How Are You Living Your Life?

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Are you living your life with your eyes and heart wide open or shut?
Have you ever been on an adventure? Whether it's riding four wheelers over sand dunes, riding snowmobiles across beautiful white mountains, jet skiing on clear blue water, riding in a boat with a huge whale just feet from you, or whatever other adventure you pursue. I am sure you can all think of different times in your life where you enjoyed some sort of adventure.
Think back to that time. Did you have your eyes shut during that time or were you soaking in the wonder and excitement around you?
This is how God wants us to live, with our eyes and hearts wide open. That we are able to see all of the great and awesome things HE has created, all that HE is doing in and around us, and that we can live a life awakened with excitement knowing that the God of wonder holds us in his hands and calls us his own. Live your life with your eyes wide open!