Tuesday Truths - The Lord is My Rock

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Psalm 62:2 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.
Feeling unsettled, concerned, nervous, wondering what the future holds? I think most of us could relate to these feelings. In the past 12 months our country and our world have experienced things we've never faced before, and that creates uncertainty. But today be assured God isn't surprised by any of these events or your feelings about them. He's with us through it all. Psalms 62 tells us that God is our Rock and Salvation! Rocks may not always get the accolades they deserve, they aren't shiny like diamonds, or as spectacular as the rarest gems, but they are a wonderful reminder of some key characteristics of God. Rocks are solid, strong, unchanging, they stand the test of time and have survived many storms. They're also plentiful and available almost everywhere in the world. In fact if you need a rock to put in your pocket as a reminder of God's love chances are you could find one quite easily, likely as close as your landscaping. If life feels a little stormy for you right now, cling to the rock of your salvation and he will see you through it.