Tuesday Truths - Your Priceless Inheritance

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Inheritance - defined as, "the acquisition of a possession, condition, or trait from past generations." Our inheritance is something we receive when a relative passes away. We inherit our portion of the earthy possessions of those that have gone before us. All those named in the will, now become the new, rightful owners of the possessions. Sometimes these possessions are valuable. Other times the items have completely lost their value and are worthless.
The Bible talks of a different kind of inheritance. One that is given to us when we pass away. An inheritance that is priceless and unchanging. We'll leave behind our earthly possessions, and instead receive a priceless inheritance that awaits us in our heavenly home. The giver of this priceless inheritance is Jesus himself. In order to receive it you must know him, and accept him as your Lord and Savior.
During your time on earth don't let your earthly possessions or inheritance distract you from the promise and anticipation of your heavenly inheritance. Your Father in heaven has an inheritance stored up for you that is greater than anything this earth has to offer.
1 Peter 1:3-5 3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, 4 and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. 5 And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.