Wednesday Stories of Impact - Sioux City Ranch feeds local TV crew

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Thumbs up and smiles all around when there is Pizza Ranch in the breakroom! On January 12, the Sioux City Pizza Ranch provided the KTIV News 4 team with plenty of warm food to show their appreciation for a long week of covering some dangerously cold and snowy weather across Siouxland. Thanks Pizza Ranch for blessing the TV crew with a special treat. I bet these guys, along with the rest of us, are grateful for some warmer weather this week.
NOTE: If you have a specific need for prayer...whether that is healing of a physical or mental health struggle, or a relationship that is damaged and hurting, or a reason to praise God and glorify Him...we would love to join with you on that prayer. Please send it in to our confidential prayer team by clicking the link below. Thank you and God bless.