Wednesday Stories of Impact - Bible League International

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

For 85 years, Bible League International has been serving under-resourced churches by providing God’s Word in a way that people can read and understand. People are now empowered with the knowledge and understanding of the Gospel, so that they can go out and share it. The Good News is for everyone! We desire to see thriving local churches around the world offering salvation, life change, and hope through biblically based training and resources that meet the spiritual, moral, and social needs of their communities.
Bible League’s global ministry work is to engage everyone in God’s Word to transform lives. They minister through three strategic initiatives: church growth, children and youth, and prison ministry. God’s Word is the center of each of these areas. They have four different ministry programs to help people engage. The programs are designed to reach people where they need it most. They are Project Philip, Bible-based Literacy, Church Planter Training, and Translation.
To learn more about Bible League International please go to their website,