Wednesday Story of Impact - Pizza Ranch is Family

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
Two weeks ago, tornadoes ripped through several Midwest states, including the eastern part of Iowa. One team member at the Oelwein Pizza Ranch was particularly impacted as a tornado as it tore off part of the wall of her whole apartment building.
Here is her story:
"My name is Marne Ryan and I live In Oelwein, Iowa. I have worked for Pizza Ranch for 2 years. Brandy Hersey gave me a chance when some others would not. On March 28, 2020 I was in my apartment when my son called and said " Go to the bathroom!" At that moment a tornado hit my apartment complex. I made it to the bathroom and heard sounds of distraction all around me. I wasn't hurt but my mind was spinning. As I walked out my front door my phone rang. It was Brandy, she asked if I was ok? As I saw all the destruction for the first time, I was comforted by her voice yelling I'm alive and help is coming. She kept repeating it " we are coming are you ok?" Her words kept me going the entire time. My son and I were evacuated to a hotel in town. Brandy made sure we had food and paid for night at the hotel. We haven't been able to go back to apartment yet and Brandy continues to call and text everyday to check on me and give encouragement to face the day. I truly feel that Brandy and the entire team at Pizza Ranch are apart of my family. I feel blessed to have them in my life. I wanted you to know the story of what Brandy has really done for me and my family. Thank to all Pizza Ranches."
Brandy and her team upon hearing the news, sprang into action. They knew something needed to be done so they all pooled extra money to get one hotel room night for Marne and her son. Resources are tight right now, but Pizza Ranch is a family and the Oelwein team is just one example of how we take care of our family in good and hard times.
Photo by Rhema Kallianpur on Unsplash