Wednesday Story of Impact- Refresh Others

Wednesday Story of Impact- Refresh Others

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Wednesday Stories of Impact
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Living generously. There are many verses in the Bible about living a generous life. I love the above verse, how it talks about getting refreshed by refreshing others. What does that mean to be refreshed? There are a lot of meanings, some of them are the following:

  1. To restore
  2. To reinvigorate
  3. To make fresh again
  4. To become vigorous again

We have been hearing stories all year long about how people in our Pizza Ranch restaurants have been giving and helping each other out in so many ways; from singing in a wedding, to helping someone move, to helping cover the costs of a medical bill. Just great stuff of how you all give to others.

I heard a recent story of how one of the owners in a Pizza Ranch had won a trip to go anywhere he wanted. One of his managers was getting married and instead of using the trip for himself and his wife, he gave the trip as gift to his manager to use. Wow, incredible generosity! The impact that this will have on these newlyweds will be felt forever.

Thank you to all of you who have made a positive impact in those lives around you. And we pray you to are being refreshed as you help refresh those around you.
