Wednesday - Stories of Impact - First Responders
Today we’re going to take a slight break from our traditional Stories of Impact. Think with me for a moment about the First Responders…
Tuesday Truth – God Hears our Prayers
God loves us and wants us to call out to him with our concerns. Sometimes life is scary and hard, but God literally bends down to listen to our prayers.
Monday Mission - Pray
A quick search in my Bible App for the word “pray” brings up 436 results, wow! This tells me that prayer is important to God, and we know from reading scriptures that Jesus prayed regularly.
Friday Devotional - Patience
Patience is often associated with waiting. Waiting is often associated with inaction or gentle tolerance. The Biblical meaning of patience does not imply inaction. Most of…
Thursday Thoughts - Perseverance
Persevering in a race takes endurance, and followers of Christ are expected to endure trials, be on the lookout for promises to be fulfilled,…
Wednesday Story of Impact - Laundry and Pizza
A tornado ripped through parts of Sioux Falls, SD and caused a considerable amount of damage to many businesses, including the Pizza Ranch on…
Tuesday Truth - "Thank you"
Did you know that saying "thank you" is more than just good manners, it can also be beneficial to the self? According to a…
Monday Mission - Breathe
Feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious about today, or what lays ahead on your schedule this week? Don't underestimate the power of stepping back and…
Friday Devotional - Do You Have a Hardened Heart?
God speaks to all of us, but how we respond depends on the condition of our heart. Upon hearing the Lord’s voice, some believers…
Thursday Thoughts - Choose Good Company
We have all been in sticky situations we know we shouldn’t be in, whether someone encouraged us to make the wrong decision or we were the instigator.
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Cedar Rapids, IA
Steve Smalley from the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Pizza Ranch recently hosted a group of students from the Isaac Newton Christian Academy to teach them…
Tuesday Truth - Spiritual Goals
Philippians 3:12-14 "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.