Pizza Ranch Serves

Cross near the sea with sun behind

Tuesday Truth - Grace for the Wandering

Tuesday Truth God’s grace extends to us, even when we’ve wandered away. Yesterday we looked at a few quick questions to check our spiritual health. If you’re feeling distant from God right now, know that God loves you and is waiting with open arms for you to turn to him.

Bible with Stethoscope

Monday Mission - Checkup

Monday Mission – Check your spiritual pulse We all go through physical and spiritual ups and downs throughout our lifetime. Where are you at right now? Take a few minutes to do a quick spiritual check.

Person taking picture of mountains with cell phone

Friday Devotions- Self Validation

We live in a world that is very individualistic – tossing around phrases like “express yourself” and “live your best life”. We post things on social media to show others what we have or can do.

John the Baptist

Thursday Video - Passion

Even you have never seen "The Greatest Showman" starring Hugh Jackman (you should), this video clip is a great example of having passion. A…

Tuesday Truths - Love with Action

Pastor Alton Trimble said, "servant leadership is when we allow Christ to be Lord of our lives...his Lordship will be expressed in the way…

Monday Misssion - Discipline

Where do you need more discipline in your life? Is it with doing your devotions? Exercising? Reading instead of watching TV? Whatever it is,…

World Map

Friday Devotional- The Impact of Saul

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. The Book of Acts introduces us to two important men. Last week we learned about Stephen. He’s the one who had filled a need in the early church and was then killed for doing it. Today, we’ll learn of a man named Saul.