Thursday Video- A Back to School Prayer
In keeping with our Back to School focus this week, I was encouraged to find this video published by Freebridge Media.

Wednesday Stories of Impact- Sioux Center, IA
The community of Sioux Center is like one giant family. When they have a member struggling, they all rally together and support that member. This was evident on August 13, 2018 when the Sioux Center community gathered at the local Pizza Ranch for a Community Impact Night to show their support for Roger and Diane Koele as Roger begins his battle against ALS.

Tuesday Truths- 1 Corinthians 15:58
1 Corinthians 15:58, The Message

Monday Mission- Back to School Prayers
We have school on our minds as we gather supplies and pack backpacks in preparation for the first day of a new year approaching for my kids. There’s a mix of nerves and excitement as the “big day” draws closer. Maybe you’re feeling some of these same things?

Friday Devotional- Submit
Every so often we come across something in life that gets us thinking deeper. This past week I had this happen to me. I heard a verse that I've read and heard about thousands of times, but for whatever reason it stuck with me. It made me want to look it up to see if I could understand it better.

Thursday Video- A Walk Down Memory Lane
Around a year ago I found an old box of cassette tapes. It took me time to find a cassette player that worked, but when I did I first listened to some of my old 1980's music like The Out field, Bon Jovi, Cinderella, etc. And then a couple of weeks ago, I came across some tapes from Promise Keepers events from the 1990s. Wow!

Wednesday Story of Impact- Manhattan, KS
Donald from Pizza Ranch Manhattan took the time to help a senior guest cut chicken off the bone. She talked to the General Manager and told him how ...

Tuesday Truths- Memorizing Scripture
Do you memorize scripture? I have found out that memorizing scripture helps me get through the challenges of facing sin every day. Proverbs 3 verses...

Monday Mission- Mistakes
Mistakes, we all make them. The truth is mistakes are a part of our life and they make us stronger.

Friday Devotional - More than Enough
Today’s devotions were taken from a sermon that I heard recently. The sermon was titled "More Than Enough."

Thursday Video - Music is Good Soul Food
Who doesn’t love a great song that speaks to our hearts? Music is a gift from God and can be so powerful.

Wednesday Story of Impact - Giving Back is Good Soul Food
Last month, on July 19, many tornadoes ripped through Eastern Iowa. One of the communities struck was Marshalltown, IA.