Tuesday Truth - Healthy Relationships are Good Soul Food
Healthy Relationships are Good Soul Food – God gives us people in our lives to experience life with and to encourage and support us when we need it most.

Monday Mission - Thank God
This week we’re going to focus on the idea of Soul Food. Soul Food is simply nourishment for your soul.

Friday Devotional- Goliath Must Fall
We enjoyed devotions led by Ryan, our Chief Administrative Officer. This is a summary of our devotional time together. We pray you're blessed by his message just as we were.
Thursday Video: How bad do you want it?
Motivation and inspiration are powerful tools, especially when it comes to athletics. But what if we had the same passion and energy that we…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Coke Scholarship Award Winners - Where are they now?
Pizza Ranch and Coca-Cola have teamed up for over 8 years to give away college scholarships across the Pizza Ranch chain. The program started as a way to recognize team members who live out the Pizza Ranch mission and vision each day.

Tuesday Truths - This is the Day
Psalm 118:24

Monday Mission - Smile
Everyone has heard the phrase, "laughter is the best medicine", but did you know there are lots of benefits when doing something as simple as smiling? Here are 5 quick facts about smiling:

Friday Devotional- God calls us to a Holy Hustle
Adopting a new attitude and outlook on hustle takes time. But when it comes to change and the new things God wants to do in our lives, we have two choices: retreat or pursue growth. I’m the first to admit that sometimes ...

Thursday Video - Facebook Life
We live in a world of capturing every moment to share with friends, family and even the general public whenever possible

Wednesday Story of Impact - Making Waves in Spirit Lake, IA
The Spirit Lake Pizza Ranch was honored to serve the children at the Arnold's Park Amusement Park's "Making Waves"

Tuesday Truth - You Are What You Eat
You are what you eat

Monday Mission - R.A.G.B.R.A.I.
This week nearly 20,000 people will participate in the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI).