Tuesday Truths - If we claim to be without sin...
"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." 1 John 1:8 …

Monday Mission - Father's Day
In honor of Father's Day this coming Sunday (June 17), think about all the men in your life - your dad, grandfather, father-in-law, neighbors or…

Friday Devotional- No Need to Panic
I am a mighty God. Nothing is too difficult for Me. Adapted from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young.

Thursday Video : What are you known for?
Tim Tebow is known by the general public for his...

Wednesday : Stories of Impact - The Tesfa Foundation
The Pizza Ranch Support Center and CI Sport recently teamed up...

Tuesday Truth : His Purpose
GOD IS....

Monday Mission : Warmer Weather
For many of us in the mid-west it has been a LOOOOOOOONG winter!

Friday Devotional- The Example of Daniel
Today is our final look at the story of Daniel, a summary of sorts. Daniel's story starts with

Friday Devotional - Oh, To Shine Like the Stars
Daniel 12:3 says, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Who will shine forever like the stars?

Thursday Video
Love and forgiveness!

Wednesday Stories of Impact
Pizza Ranch in Oshkosh, WI had a community impact night on Monday for the Merrill Elementary School. The school had a broken slide and a group got together

Tuesday Truths
Celebrate today with this encouraging message!