Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – It’s That Simple

Today we’re looking at the story of Nicodemus found in John 3:1-15. It’s the story that finds Jesus telling Nicodemus, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”  What did he mean by, born again?  Did he mean that we needed to be go back […]

Thursday Video – He Said

Maybe you’re feeling like God has forgotten about you or life has given you too much to handle. No matter the situation or circumstances, God’s Word and His love stands strong – don’t forget what He said! Video

Stories of Impact – Brookings, SD

A couple of weeks ago, a team member at the Brookings location really brought our Pizza Ranch Way ideal of “Do the Right Thing” to life. A guest and his brother had eaten at the restaurant and were starting to pull out of the parking space to leave. A Brookings team member ran out to […]

Monday Mission – Make Monday the Best Day

Who likes Monday? I mean, seriously, who really feels that Monday is the best day of the week? Probably a very small minority of people believe that. Even those people who seem like they have it all together – I guarantee that there’s something going on in their lives that I won’t want to deal […]

Friday Devotional – The Unexpected

Have you ever been somewhere with your family, or with friends, and something unexpected happened?  Maybe something unbelievable?  Today we look at an example of this found in Scripture.  John 2:12-25 tells the story of Jesus doing something unexpected when He went with his mother, brothers and disciples to the temple.  When he found folks […]

Stories of Impact – Pueblo, CO

Last week when a fire in the southern Colorado mountain town of Beulah caused several tenants to evacuate, the nearby Pueblo Pizza Ranch stepped into action in a couple different ways!  Pizza Ranch, located about 20 miles northeast of Beulah, became a safe haven for residents to go to.  Residents of the town were invited […]