Pizza Ranch Serves

Thursday Thoughts - Prayer

Have you spent more time in prayer this week? I know I have been blessed by not just bringing my requests to God, but by focusing on WHO he is and WHAT he does, not just what he does for me. In my quiet time this week I also spent time looking up Bible verses about prayer and noticing the different characteristics of God throughout those passages. Here is some of my list. What can you add to it?

Wednesday Story of Impact - Grinnell Pizza Ranch

When a community is rattled by a tragedy, its people step up. That's what Shelly, the Manager of the Grinnell Pizza Ranch did when a young boy from their community went missing.

Woman lifting hands in worship

Monday Mission - Prayer

The topic of prayer has been front-of-mind for me recently and God is revealing new and beautiful things through His Word as I seek scripture about prayer. Many of us know we can pray anywhere, anytime and about anything, but how often are those prayers self-focused requests?


Thursday Thoughts -

We attended a conference last week and there was so much encouraging leadership information shared. Here are some key points: We are all leaders Mom,…