Wednesday Story of Impact -2,222 Veterans Appreciated

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31

"God is good!" I had the opportunity to talk with Steve Kilian, Guest Services Manager at the Portage, WI Pizza Ranch, and this is the phrase he repeated the most through our conversation. Steve started a Pay it Forward Veterans Fund in the Portage location in December of 2016, and as of last week had collected enough funds to bless 2,222 Veterans with a donation envelope (typically containing $10). Along with the envelope comes a heart-felt "Thank you" for their service to our country. Sam, recipient of envelope #2,222 also happened to be celebrating a birthday (check out the video clip below). Other service men and women dining that day sang him "Happy Birthday."
Steve records the number of Veteran envelopes handed out, and also records the Veterans name, years of service, and branch (he now has notebooks full). This summer Steve was recognized by the Elks group and awarded the "Distinguished Citizenship Award" and a donation check (from Matt Gorsuch, pictured above) for his contributions in Portage. Steve is humbled and honored by what God is doing through those giving and receiving to the Pay it Forward Program. Thank you Steve! And thank you to all our Veterans as well! To God be the Glory!