Pizza Ranch Serves

Woman in plaid shirt holding sign that says "Joy"

Monday Mission – Rejoice Always

In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Paul gave 3 actions we are called to live out that will help us follow the will of God instead of the way of the world. “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”. Today we are going to begin by looking at the command to "Rejoice Always".

Mustard Seeds

Monday Mission - Pray Boldly

How big is your faith? Is it big enough to pray bold prayers? Is it big enough to brave the trials of life? Is it big enough to accomplish what God has called you to do?

Blank Note Card

Monday Mission - Take a Minute to Encourage

Take a moment to think about the last time someone gave you a compliment. How did it make you feel? Did it make you smile? Did it brighten your day? It’s crazy to think about how just a heartfelt sentence or two can change someone’s bad attitude or give them confidence as they go about their day. We see several times in Paul’s letters to the early churches reminders to encourage one another...

Summer time at the pool

Monday Mission - Take a Break

What says summer more than an afternoon at the pool? Summer break for my kids and many others is more than 1/2 over already. Have you been to the pool yet? Or if the pool isn't your families favorite past-time, have you made time to enjoy some time with your family during this summer break?