Pizza Ranch Serves

Thursday Thoughts - We can All be Thankful

What does it mean to be thankful? For most, being thankful is easy when times are good, but during trials and hardships it seems that their is nothing to be grateful for.

Tuesday Truth - I Shall not be in Want

Psalm 23:1“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want”Have you ever really thought about what that means? The Lord of the…

Monday Mission - Be Thankful

I don’t know about you, but I constantly find myself of want. By most standards, I have been blessed beyond measure, but like many others I want newer, bigger & better all the time.

Friday Devotional - The Promise of Overcoming Temptation

This promise has always been difficult for me claim or find victory in. I just always seem to give in to the enemy. Yes, I know that even though I’m a believer, I’m still a sinner. But it just seems like I can do better. Even the apostle Paul said when he was fighting temptation in Romans 7:15, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do.”

Thanksgiving Turkey

Monday Mission- Thanksgiving Blessings

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we can all think about the many blessings all around us that we are thankful for. Food is a central theme of the Thanksgiving holiday, but not everyone has the means to prepare a “Food Network” worthy Thanksgiving meal.