Monday Mission - Season of Advent
December 1st was the first Sunday in Advent and this year our small group is studying the Under Wraps (The gift we never expected).
Friday Devotional - The Promise To Take Away Our Fear
I really didn’t think about fear much in my early days. I was young, naive, and really only had to “worry” about myself. Once I had a family to be responsible for however, I thought about fear a little more. I had these other lives I had to think about. But I learned quickly that I had to lean into my faith for help. I knew that I couldn’t control every part, every moment, or every situation of the lives of my family.
Thursday Thoughts - Christmas Trivia
As I was looking online for some Christmas games to play with a group of kids, I came across some Christmas Trivia Questions. How well do you know the Christmas story from the Bible?
Wednesday Story of Impact - Clarion, IA
For the third consecutive year, the Pizza Ranch in Clarion, IA is providing meals to people in need on Christmas.
Tuesday Truth - Acts of Service
Yesterday we were challenged to serve others as an act of worship. What did you do for someone else? Sometimes we think we can't do anything for others because we don't have enough money or we don't know what to do, so here are some examples to keep you going on your mission:
Monday Mission - A Generous Act of Worship
Did you ever consider that your acts of charity and generosity are also acts of worship? We can serve God by serving others.
Friday Devotional-What was Destroyed, in Gods Time, will be Restored
Everything is planned and in God’s time. Isaiah prophesied about things coming soon (next 200 years), farther away – Jesus birth (700 years later) and things that are yet to come. Amazing how God works!
Thursday Thoughts- What if I stumble during my race?
What does Scripture tell us about running the race, and stumbling along the way?
Wednesday Stories of Impact- Pizza Ranch Springfield, MO
Learn how the Pizza Ranch team in Springfield, MO made a big impact for a great cause
Tuesday Truth- Sanctification and Finishing Strong
The truth about the spiritual process of Sanctification
Monday Mission- Finish Strong
"Let us run with endurance the race set before us" -Hebrews 12:1
Friday Devotional - Thanksgiving
Psalm 100: 4-5 says, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."