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Friday Devotional - A Changed Life

Today's devotion picks up in Acts right after Saul, a man who had a dangerous reputation of persecuting Christians, becomes an example of a changed life. Saul gives his life to Christ and is immediately changed. He's filled with the Holy Spirit and begins telling others about Jesus. (Acts 9:17-31)

Ocean by Bora Bora

Thursday Thoughts- Is There a God?

Have you ever wondered if there truly is a God?  Most of us have never doubted that. If you have, all you need to do is look at nature and see how it all works so perfectly together. We could choose to look at any part of nature and how it works, from Sea Turtles traveling up to 4,000 miles to the location of their birth to lay their own eggs or to Honey Bees and how they work together to produce honey by traveling up to 6 miles away from their hive.

Pizza Party in Liberty, MO

Wednesday Story of Impact- Liberty, MO

Our Liberty Pizza Ranch has partnered with a local organization, Hillcrest Hope, to celebrate the families who graduate from their program. A few months ago the restaurant provided dinner for the graduation party where the participants had an opportunity to share about and celebrate their growth and successes.

Only Jesus

Thursday Thoughts- Only Jesus

Recently I attended a conference and the speaker referenced the new Casting Crowns song and how some of the lyrics really made him think. I listened to this song and here are the words that encouraged me!


Monday Mission- Trust

In the devotional "Perfect Trust" the author states: "If you are honest, like any follower of Jesus Christ, there are times when you find yourself questioning whether you can truly trust God, consider this truth: