Pizza Ranch Serves

Two people with heads down together on a couch. One lady has her head in her hand and holding the hands of the other lady in prayer.

Monday Mission - Sad Days and Bad Days

Sometimes we don't have the right words to express ourselves adequately when we or someone else is having a bad, sad, mad, day. I want to tell you that it's ok! We don't always have to express ourselves with words. Prayer has the power to overcome our inadequacies so God can be present and at work in us and through us.

Picture of the logo for the Pizza Ranch National Conference in red with white background

Wednesday Story of Impact - Conference 2022 Service Event

For the 2022 National Conference, Pizza Ranch partnered with Kids Against Hunger to pack and send meals over seas to help support the people of Ukraine. With the help of Pizza Ranch staff and families we assembled 40,000 meals to feed 240,000 people in Ukraine💙

Brown block angled slightly right with the word bless on it in white

Monday Mission - Bless Others

The Pizza Ranch National Conference is this week, and as I was doing my preparation for the various things that I will be involved with, God's still small voice spoke to me and encouraged me to "be a blessing this week"!

Sunset with a crossroads sign silhouette

Thursday Thoughts - Many Good Choices

Often we can get tied into this idea that one path is right, and the other is wrong. However not every time is there a "right" or "wrong" decision. Sometime God presents you with 2 good options. Move forward in confidence that whichever path you take – if you are obedient to God and serve him faithfully – you will find blessings.

Old Box of Black and White Family Photos

Wednesday Story of Impact - Making Memories

Pizza Ranch has prided itself for 40 years in being a restaurant that loves to serve and impact the communities it is a part of. While Pizza Ranch got started in small communities in Iowa and Minnesota, it has grown to 200+ locations in 14 different states. Pizza Ranch has been a gathering place for families, friends, sports teams, church groups, and so many other special connections over the last 4 decades.

Herd of Rams moving through a Desert Valley

Tuesday Truth - Move Forward in Confidence

As we face difficult decisions, one thing we can be confident in is that if we stay obedient to God, we will be blessed. One decision might lead us down a path with more trials than other options, but as long as we flee from what is evil and cling to what is good, we will make it through the trials and find blessings.

Man standing in a valley looking at which path he should take

Monday Mission - Facing Indecision

As you think back on your life, you can probably think of a time you faced a difficult decision. Maybe you are facing one currently. There are several ways God has given us to help guide our decision-making process as we strive to move forward in faith.

a photo appearing to be coming from inside a wave in the ocean

Friday Devotional - When the Waves Toss You

Growing up in California, the sand, water, and sky of the beach were commonplace for me. I even met my bride at the beach. If you have any experience with being in the ocean, you know it can be so nice. You also know that the waves can be unpredictable. The forces of wind, gravity and tide can make things treacherous. I’ve had it before where I was lifted up in about 10 feet of water, and dumped onto the seemingly dry sand. It can be like being stuck in a washing machine if the waves are big. Other times however, it can be more soothing. One of my favorite things to do is to go out just past the breaking waves, and jump off the bottom as the waves come in, letting the waves take me up and then slowly let me back down again. But even standing in the ocean pushes folks around.