Pizza Ranch Serves


Thursday Thoughts - Comfort

What do you think of when hear comfortable? Here are some things that describe comfortable - cozy, restful, enjoyable, happy, and here is what the Bible says:

Service From the Heart

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Mobridge Pizza Ranch

Hello Pizza Ranch my name is Marge sheer I'm 71 years old from Nampa Idaho. I would like to tell you about a wonderful lady I met while passing through Mobridge South Dakota. It was getting to be late in the evening when I was coming across the big bridge and my low tire light came on

A piece of paper with the word Resolutions written on it nailed to a white painted wood board

Friday Devotional - Resolve 2.0

Last week we talked about “Resolving” ourselves to make the Lord the main thing this year. To be in His Word, to pray, and to live out our Faith.