Friday Devotional – Tired
This week one of our ministry partners, LifeWise Academy, made national news with what they’re doing with public school Bible education during school hours (See LifeWise). The problem is when the news organizations don’t give all the information shared

Friday Devotional-How Deep the Father's Love for Us
Songs and music are my worship language and help bring me closer to God. One of my favorite songs for the Easter Season that has been on my heart lately is “How the Deep the Father’s love for Us” by Stuart Townend. This year this song has even deeper meaning for me as I recently lost my dad. This song brings comfort in knowing the realization of what Jesus’s sacrifice means.

Friday Devotional – Leaders Worth Following
When I was growing up there was a TV show called “The Twilight Zone.” It was amazing how the writers could bend and twist the minds of the viewer with the story lines they produced. It was fun to see how it ultimately all turned out. Sometimes I feel that same bend

Friday Devotional – What’s Your Purpose?
In my lifetime, I’ve often wondered what my purpose is. Have you ever wondered what yours is? We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week (Psalm 57) makes us look a little closer at purpose. In this passage you can find 4 requests of David, 10 reasons for an answer, and 7 resolves to praise God about.

Friday Devotional - What is Faith?
What is Faith? The definition of faith is “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” We put our trust in a lot of things, one example being airplanes/pilots. We trust them completely to do what they say that they can do… and I’ve never once asked a pilot if I can help him do his job of flying the plane better. I have faith that he will do what he says he can do.

Friday Devotional – Source of Strength
In my lifetime, now more than ever, we seem to have a country in turmoil, there is craziness and danger everywhere, and slander seems to be the norm. It makes me angry sometimes. It makes me feel powerless…like there’s nothing I can do. But there are answers found in Scripture.

Friday Devotional - Avoiding Meaningless Quarrels
Can you think of a time that you got into an argument over something small and unimportant? What was it about? What triggers us to feel the need to be right even if we are wrong, and about meaningless topics?

Friday Devotional - Kýrie eléison
I want to share a story I recently came across in the Gospel of Matthew. It’s a story I’m sure I’ve read before, but…

Friday Devotional - Parable of the Talents
Matthew 25:14-30 (Similar story found in Luke 19:11-27)

Dressing for Battle
Being in the heart of the Midwest (& surviving last week) none of us are strangers to extremely cold temperatures. Last week I watched as my husband bundled up in countless layers of clothing to take our dog on a 40-minute walk. It got me thinking about how diligent we are in dressing to protect against extreme weather, but do we have the same diligence in our spiritual health & climate?

Friday Devotional - Following Jesus
In today’s culture, what does following someone mean? Who are you following? In the age of smartphones, Facebook, Instagram, etc. we “follow” so many people. Who we follow likely ranges from our closest friends or relatives to people we don’t even know. Is how we follow Jesus different?

Friday Devotional – Trust
In my lifetime, now more than ever, we seem to have a country in turmoil, there is craziness and danger everywhere, and false reports and slander seem to be the norm. It makes me angry sometimes. It makes me feel powerless…like there’s nothing