Friday Devotional - Legacy
One thing I really enjoy doing is going for a walk through the cemetery. It’s not cause I’m some creeper, but it really helps…

Friday Devotional - WOW God By Dean Kooima
Today's devotion we are looking at the different ways God talks to us. When is the last time you sat back and just said “Wow God”.

Friday Devotional - Jesus Redeems
I love to read, but my favorite genre is World War II – memoirs, historical fiction, all of it. Female spies, concentration camps, Russian female snipers, British code breakers, German mid-wives, Auschwitz tattooists, etc.

Friday Devotional – Psalm 45
Growing up, I had parents that taught me where to find truth in my life. They guided me on what to hold as important and who to listen to. How about you? Who and what has influenced your life the most?

Friday Devotional - Staying in the Word by Peyton Brasser
Today I am going to talk about STAYING in the word I have found myself going through dry patches in bible reading ○ Feel empty when I don’t read the Bible

Friday Devotional – Psalm 43
When my bride and I moved away from where we live now, we were gone for about 6 years, I often found myself longing to come back. I thought about our dear friends, our amazing church fellowship, and even the changes in weather. I even found myself

Friday Devotional – Psalm 42
Have you ever witnessed a dog pant so hard you could hear it and see it? Have you ever experienced that kind of thirst yourself?

Friday Devotional – Psalm 41
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at (Psalm 41). The Psalms do such a great job of talking about the topics

Friday Devotional – Psalm 40
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at (Psalm 40). The Psalms do such a great job of talking about the topics and emotions we most often deal with in life. There’s so much in this chapter, each verse is full of wisdom

Friday Devotional – Forgiveness
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at (Psalm 38). The Psalms do such a great job of talking about the topics and emotions we most often deal with in life. There’s so much in this chapter, like always. Each verse is full of wisdom we can soak in, use, and grab hold of daily.

Friday Devotional - Splendor
Today's guest speaker is Dean Kooima, and we thank you Dean for this wonderful message!

Friday Devotions - Never Underestimate My Jesus
We started this week by talking about Easter and how Christ's work on the cross was done out of his love for us. Christ has fought the greatest battle and won. Even death could not defeat Him. Whatever battle you are facing, whatever trial or hardship, God sees it. Jesus will see you through – never underestimate his love for you or his power over sin and death!