Pizza Ranch Serves

Matthew 16:24

Friday Devotional – Don’t Forget

Every so often we come across something in life that gets us thinking deeper. This past weekend I had this happen to me. I heard a verse that I've read and heard about thousands of times,

Friday Devotional - Fixing Your Eyes on Jesus.

A common saying tossed around in Christian circles is “fix your eyes on Jesus”. But what exactly does it mean to fix our eyes on Jesus? A great example of this can be found in Matthew 14:22-33 which is the story of Jesus walking on the water.

Source of Power

Friday Devotional – A Source of Power

We’ve been getting together every week to pray for the last 14+ years here at Pizza Ranch, Inc. I love it that this has been a norm here for so many. Prayer is part of the “Who” we are as a company….it’s part of our “why.” It’s a source of power for our company.