Friday Devotional - Be Courageous
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at Psalms 31:19-24. Psalms does such a great job of hitting about every topic and every emotion there is. It’s the book in my life that has been the most relatable to me over the years.

Friday Devotional - Resolutions and Redemption
As you make your New Year’s Resolutions remember that it’s ok to not be perfect. Resolutions are a great way to help you “Do Your Best” and to “Pursue Excellence” in improving a certain area of your life, but they are not a means by which we gain salvation.

Friday Devotional - A Christmas Miracle
Today we’re going to talk about the virgin birth of Christ. What?! A different kind of Christmas devotion, for sure. You might even think it’s a little strange, but it may be one of the more foundational topics you’ll hear this season. Let’s find out.

Friday Devotional - Answered Prayers
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week we’re looking at Psalm 30. Psalms does such a great job of hitting about every topic and every emotion there is. It’s the book in my life that has been the most relatable to me over the years. It’s the reasons some of the people I respect the most in my life spend time in Psalms every day…no matter where their other Bible Reading takes them. In this passage David is pointing out how awesome it is to have prayers answered over the course of time.

Friday Devotional - God is Holy and Powerful
We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, this week we’re looking at Psalms 29. In this passage David is pointing out God’s holiness and power. God is HOLY: God is spoken of as being “glorious in holiness” -Exodus 15:11 God’s throne is called Holy -Psalm 47:8

Friday Devotional - Answered Prayers
We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms, this week looking at Psalm 28. In this passage David rejoices in answered prayers. He’s looking back and takes the opportunity to recognize and rejoice over all that God has done for him.

Friday Devotional - Ambassadors of Light
2 Corinthians 5:20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.

Friday Devotional – To All Who Seek
We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms, this week looking at Psalm 27. In this passage David talks about his confidence in God, his desires, and then has a bunch of requests. It sounds like what my prayers might look like sometimes.

Friday Devotional - Choosing Him
Choosing Him! Making decisions is hard. When we attempt to make the perfect decision, we can often find ourselves stuck in indecision. And while we should always prayerfully discern our next steps according to God’s Word and His ways, sometimes we overcomplicate things.

Friday Devotional - I Will ...
We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms, this week looking at Psalm 26. In this passage David asks for nine things, he shares 10 things he’s doing, and he gives eight vows moving forward. All of this in 12 verses. See if you can find them all 😊.

Friday Devotional - All Creation Sings Your Glory
It can be easy to be stirred to worship when you stand and witness the beauty of God’s creation. In fact, Psalm 8 talks about that specifically. But God’s creation is so much more than flowers, and trees, and waterfalls, and sunrises. God’s creation is everything – time, language, culture, mathematical processes, and of course Mankind. God created humans with passions, talents, and gifts. When we get to see the people around us using the passions and gift’s God has given them that is “All Creation Singing God’s Glory!”

Friday Devotional - Beat Down a Path
We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms, this week looking at Psalms 25. It’s a passage from David as he pleads for deliverance and forgiveness. It also happens to include my High School class verse from 40 years ago.