Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission – Resolutions

There is Still Time to Plan for Improvement and a Pursue Your Dreams 2017 What New Year’s resolutions or improvement plans have you made to pursue your dreams in 2017?  Don’t worry if you have not done this yet, be encouraged as there is still time.  As the famous Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true if we […]

Monday Mission – Simplify

We all have a lot of things on our plate-but do all of these things need to be there?  As you start 2017, Simplify your life, stop worrying about things you cannot control. Take a breath, let them go and get focused on the things that you can take care of!

Monday Mission – Prepare for Christmas

As we approach Christmas Day on Sunday, take some time to prepare your heart to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Is there someone that you feel like God is asking you to share Jesus’ story with before Christmas? Many churches have Christmas Eve services or Christmas Day services; do you have a friend or family member who […]

Monday Mission – Chocolate

Today’s challenge is simple and may just make someone’s day: Buy or share some chocolate and a conversation with a friend. Celebrate and friendship this Christmas season.

Monday Mission – Are you ready for Christmas?

In the busyness of the holiday season, it’s easy to become distracted that we forget why we’re even celebrating: the gift of Immanuel, “God with us.” During this season leading up to Christmas try and reflect on the miracle of God choosing to enter the world in human form. (You Version Bible App has some great […]

Monday Mission – Prepare

Last week we had the opportunity to reflect on all the stories and blessings in our lives that we were thankful for. Thanksgiving helps us to prepare for the upcoming season of Christ’s birth and open our hearts to the most wondrous story of them all! Be encouraged today to prepare your hearts for another […]

Monday Mission – One Kind Word

One kind word.  Everyone is looking for affirmation.  All you have to do this week is give one kind word to everyone you come in contact with.  Then watch for smiles.

Monday Mission – Joy

Dear Brothers & Sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. James 1:2-3 Our challenge is to look for joy every day and in all things. I hope you find your joy and peace today!

Monday Mission – Be Humble

Are you a humble leader in your home or your work place? Humility is a something shown within the Bible that allows us to fully depend on GOD , and love others above ourselves. It is something that we tend to neglect, so that we can appear ‘stronger’ and not weak in front of others. […]

Monday Mission – Reformation Day

Today is October 31 – many people in the world know this day as Halloween – but it is also known as Reformation Day – the day where Martin Luther nailed 95 thesis on the Roman Catholic church door.  Here is a clip from a devotional that I found very helpful in explaining the reason […]