Monday Mission - R.A.G.B.R.A.I.
This week nearly 20,000 people will participate in the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI).
Monday Mission - Community
This week we are focusing on Community and how important community is to us! Rock Valley, Iowa is a great example of community when the flood waters rose, the community
Monday Mission - History of Independence Day
Your Monday Mission this week is to understand why the United States of America celebrates Independence Day on July 4 each year. Check out one…
Monday Mission - Take Time
Life is busy, we all know it. How often do we say the words, "If only I had more time"?
Monday Mission - Try Something New
Get out there and try something new this week! Here are some suggestions: Spend a few minutes getting to know a co-worker or neighbor Try a new activity
Monday Mission : Warmer Weather
For many of us in the mid-west it has been a LOOOOOOOONG winter!
Monday Mission
"Building God's Kingdom one day at a time." Author Unknown
Monday Mission- Appreciate the Moms in Your Life
Proverbs 31:10-31 is a passage of blessing to me and is on my heart this week. In honor of Mother's Day on May 13, I want to encourage you to...
Monday Mission- Get into God's Word
Read Jeremiah 32:38-42. Take special notice of God's desire to give us good things.
Monday Mission - Strength
Joshua 1:9 tells us to "Be strong and courageous....the Lord is with you." What comforting words to give us hope and strength!
Monday Mission - Stretching Your Faith
Stretching Your Faith - Making Your Life Count There are times we do not understand why God does not answer our prayers the way we expect or wish. In these moments, it is easy to feel discouraged or even question what God is capable of doing in your life.
Monday Mission - Count your Blessings
Have you ever tried to sit down and count all the blessings in your life? One of the toughest assignments I ever had in…