Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission – Uphill Hopes

“Everything worthwhile in life is an uphill climb. Most people have uphill hopes but downhill habits.” – John Maxwell Joshua climbed uphill his entire life and he led the Israelites into The Promised land. I want to develop uphill habits so I can someday die the way Joshua did-still climbing with other following; fulfilled, confident, […]

Monday Mission – Embrace Change

Do you hate change or do you embrace it? Many of us experience changes in our lives. Sometimes they are small changes that happen every day and sometimes they are major changes. We experience changes in our jobs, in our home life, in our businesses, with our friends and families, in our traditions, and others. […]

Monday Mission – A Life of Forgiveness

I have been immersed into the life of Corrie ten Boom over the last months as my church was preparing to perform “ten Boom, The Musical”.  I was brought back to a dark time in our history (WWII) when the Nazi army was taking the Jewish people captive, along with anyone that was protecting the […]

Monday Mission – Commitment

What is it today that you haven’t fully committed to?  Often we have hopes and wishes, and they remain hopes and wishes because we don’t commit to a plan. Goals are achieved only thru the execution of a plan. “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” Peter F. Drucker

Monday Mission – Wait

Last week I had the opportunity to do something I had never done before…ride a ski lift.  As I rode one lift, 2000 ft. off of the ski base, there were some things that struck me:  When you ride a ski lift, there’s literally nothing you can do to change your future. You can’t speed […]

Monday Mission – Encouragement

You’re heard the saying that “you never know what battles someone may be facing.” Or maybe you have an idea of the battle, but you can’t quite imagine the extent of the battle damage? We all can think of someone who’s facing a difficult situation. Why not send that someone who came to mind a […]

Monday Mission – Those Who Serve

In our area the Fireman are totally voluntary which means when that pager goes off they drop everything to go and serve Early one Sunday at 5:30 AM, the pager goes off and a family’s house is on fire (do they stop and think should I go or not, do I feel like getting up?). […]

Monday Mission – How do you deal with adversity?

I recently read an impactful post on the Forbes website entitled “How To Be At Your Best When Life Is At Its Worst” by Mike Maddock.  In the post Mike talks about 3 techniques that he has seen some of his most resilient mentors use when faced with adversity.  I will attempt to briefly provide […]

Monday Mission – Schedule

Put one thing on your schedule each week that will bring your family or friends together. Date night.  Family night. Family outing. Going to church together. Backyard bbq. The choices are endless.  But they won’t be realized until they’re on your schedule.