Monday Mission
7 challenges to make this your best week yet. Practical tips to make this week seriously awesome. Amp up your week by taking one small step each day and you might just find you’ve made one giant leap towards happiness. Try these 7 challenges, and savor each one as you learn a few tips on how […]
Monday Mission – Be a Door Opener
This week see how many times you can open the door for someone. Literally. Use that as a metaphor for opening the doors of opportunity for people. We all need door openers in our life. That could mean telling a friend about a job opening, connecting people together who have similar interests, inviting people to […]
Monday Mission – Becoming a Beacon Pointing to the Savior
Becoming a Beacon Pointing to the Savior When it comes to the truth about Jesus, it should stir something deep in our hearts and minds until it overflows in worship. On seeing the resurrected Lord, a so-called doubting disciple made one of the boldest declarations in all the New Testament. By: Robby Gallaty You can […]
Monday Mission – Happy May Day!
Do you know the tradition associated with May Day? You give small baskets of flowers or sweet treats, usually anonymously, on your neighbor’s doorsteps. How fun would it be to return home to find a small treasure on your doorstep?! Your Monday Mission is to find a way to leave everyone you encounter with a […]
Monday Mission – When We are Struggling
A friend of mine recently received some bad news that would affect their life in a very negative way. I was devastated, to say the least, to hear of this. I went for a walk – to get away and think through the situation in the quiet of the day rather than remain in the […]
Monday Mission – Believe
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Chris, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31
Monday Mission – Easter Blessing
As Easter weekend approaches, consider ways that you can be a blessing to others as Jesus was a blessing to all of us. Is there a friend that you need to ask forgiveness of? Is there a coworker going through a hard time that could use an uplifting e-mail? Do you have a family member […]
Monday Mission – It’s All Yours, God Part 1
*Note: Several days this week, Pizza Ranch Serves will center on the idea of “It’s All Yours, God”. This is part 1* Because we live in God’s world, today’s encouragement is to use what God has given us in a way that is efficient, and to encourage others around you to do the same. This …
Monday Mission – Reflect
Easter is just two weeks away. Think about what changes you have made in your life to honor Christ Jesus our Lord!
Monday Mission – God’s Will
When was the last time you prayed for or intentionally sought God’s will in your life? Maybe it was when you were faced with something that seemed insurmountable or when you were faced with a life altering decision? Is seeking God’s will something you do daily, weekly, monthly. . .or only when needed? Do you […]
Monday Mission – Give a book away
Although passion for reading is on the decline, there’s something about sharing a book that has had an impact on you that causes people to read. This week buy a book that has helped you in some way and give it to someone you think may benefit from it. You have blessed them, and they […]
Monday Mission – 10 Tips to Better Family Time
Parents and their children are spending less time interacting with each other. As a result, many children are getting less personal love and attention than their parents did. American Demographics reported that parents today spend roughly 40 percent less time with their children than did parents a generation ago. To help families stay connected, below […]