Monday Mission – Those Who Serve
In our area the Fireman are totally voluntary which means when that pager goes off they drop everything to go and serve Early one Sunday at 5:30 AM, the pager goes off and a family’s house is on fire (do they stop and think should I go or not, do I feel like getting up?). […]
Monday Mission – How do you deal with adversity?
I recently read an impactful post on the Forbes website entitled “How To Be At Your Best When Life Is At Its Worst” by Mike Maddock. In the post Mike talks about 3 techniques that he has seen some of his most resilient mentors use when faced with adversity. I will attempt to briefly provide […]
Monday Mission – Schedule
Put one thing on your schedule each week that will bring your family or friends together. Date night. Family night. Family outing. Going to church together. Backyard bbq. The choices are endless. But they won’t be realized until they’re on your schedule.
Monday Mission – What a Friend
Jesus’ example of friendship is powerful. My challenge to you today is to find that awesome friend and tell them how much they mean to you.