Pizza Ranch Serves

Silhouette of people jumping in front of a sunset

Friday Devotional - The Promise of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is one of the great promises from God to those who believe and follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit can be found mentioned throughout the Bible, but in Acts 2:2-4, we see Jesus’ promise of a helper come true. The Holy Spirit is promised to live in, around, and flow out of us. But there’s more to it….


Monday Mission- Rest

Rest. In this season of life, much like when my sons were newborns, rest seems like the impossible. Between juggling my mom-hat, wife-hat, co-worker and employee-hats, and every other role I play to many others, I'm finding myself in a season of unrest.

Sunrise over a field of grass

Friday Devotional - The Promise of Eternal Life

When I was a child, our Sunday school teacher told us his definition of forever. It was something I’ve never forgotten. He said, “if a bird flew to the mountains every year, took a bite of the ground, then flew to the ocean and dropped it in, when the mountain finally became flat, that wouldn’t even be the beginning of forever.” I remember thinking that it would take forever for that bird to get that mountain flat. But then I got it, that was the point he was making. Forever is a very, very long time.