Thursday Thought- How much is enough?
Taking a look at spending time with God

Wednesday Story of Impact- Kingdom Cards
How one Pizza Ranch franchisee is helping expand the gospel message and equip disciples.

Tuesday Truth- Accuracy of Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 by a young boy taking care of some goats near the Dead Sea. These ancient manuscripts…

Monday Mission- Focus on what God has done
Do you tend to focus on what God has done, or what you want to see God do?

Friday Devotional - He Knows Better
God knows the future, and His plans for us are good and full of hope. As long as God, who knows the future, directs our agendas and goes with us as we fulfill His mission, we can have boundless hope.

Thursday Thoughts - Hymns and Songs
Do you have a hymn or contemporary Christian song that you hear or refer to that has deep meaning in your life? For me it is 'How Great Thou Art'.

Wednesday Stories of Impact
Our 12 Days of Pizza has a huge impact on our communities, and here's a deeper dive into one of those stories:

Tuesday Truth - Sharpen One Another
How often do we try to do things on our own? I know I am guilty of this. I'm always overconfident in my ability to perform and try to go through life without the help of others. In many ways others can help us to become 'sharper' as the Bible describes.

Renew Your Spirit
I don't know how many of you began 2020 with New Years resolutions in mind, but every year I set out goals for myself to improve my health, accomplish a goal, or begin a new habit. By this time each year I begin to lose the desire to continue in pursuit of my aims and find myself returning to the status quo.

Friday Devotional - The Promise of a New Heaven and New Earth
Last week we saw In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 what will happen when Jesus comes back again. The dead in Christ will meet Him in the clouds, and then soon after, those who are alive in Christ will meet Him there too. Wow!! That will be something.

Thursday Thought – Do Idols exist today?
Do Idols exist today? Maybe not in the physical sense like the Israelites had with their wooden carved images. But we are certainly drawn to things that can serve as idols in our lives.

Wednesday Story of Impact - Free Pizza for Pocahontas Pizza Ranch Guests
Great thing come in small packages and sometimes pizza boxes. Barb and Steve, owners of the Pocahontas, IA Pizza Ranch had a fun way of celebrating Christmas and New Year’s with their community, a rural Iowa town of 1,800 people.