Wednesday Story of Impact - Free Pizza for Pocahontas Pizza Ranch Guests
Great thing come in small packages and sometimes pizza boxes. Barb and Steve, owners of the Pocahontas, IA Pizza Ranch had a fun way of celebrating Christmas and New Year’s with their community, a rural Iowa town of 1,800 people.

Tuesday Truth – The Presence of Jesus Changes Everything
Is it possible to be fearful and overjoyed at the same time? I don’t really think so. Overjoyed is one of those emotions that takes over in that moment.

Monday Mission - Read about Heaven
Spend a few minutes reading scripture about what Heaven will be like. If you read the Friday post you were reminded that spending eternity in Heaven is a promise for all that believe and follow Jesus. But what will Heaven be like?

Friday Devotional - The Promise of Jesus' Return
When I was growing up I remember hearing in Sunday School that Jesus would come back to earth to get me, and all who believe. At an early age, I believed, hoped, and had faith in what I heard. You might say that God grabbed my heart way back then. And since then, I’ve been leaning into that promise for years. I have found comfort in the fact that, although this world is hard, someday I’ll be taken up into heaven forever.

Thursday Thoughts - Plenteous in Compassion
The Hymn "God Be Merciful to Me" is based off of Psalm 51 and the first verse reads: "God, be merciful to me; on…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Random Act of Kindness
Shane, a crew member working at Fort Dodge location, received a hand-written letter from a guest with a $50 bill attached to it this…

Tuesday Truths - Mercy
My wife and I have been going through the Psalms and after reading Psalm 6 this past weekend, the word "mercy" stood out to…

Monday Mission - It's Not Too Late
As we enter into the first full week of 2020, maybe you set some New Year's resolutions for yourself that you were able to…

Friday - Devotional
During the week of Christmas, I was reading a devotional “The Hope of Christmas” pastorrick.com on the You Version Bible app Luke 2:7 “and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manager, because there was no guest room available for them.”

Thursday Video - 12 Days of Christmas
How "12 Days of Pizza" came to be…

Wednesday - Stories of Impact
Now in it's 5th year the, "12 Days of Pizza" continues to be a great way for Pizza Ranch locations to continue to give…

Tuesday Truth - Looking Back
Isaiah 43:18 - Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past2019 doesn't define you. Don't look back, but look forward to new…