Thursday Video : Adulting Awards
Being an Adult isn't always easy - check out these awards for the best of them out there ;) …

Wednesday Stories of Impact - 12 Days of Pizza
Sean Covel, movie producer of Napoleon Dynamite and The 12 Dogs of Christmas, found a need in his South Dakota hometown two years ago.

Tuesday Truth - Seek & You Will Find
Many people are familiar with Jeremiah 29:11 which says "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". For most people the verse stops there, but there is more.

Monday Mission - Keep Your Mind Active
Up here in the Midwest the weather is getting cold, snow is falling and the sun is down way too early.

Friday Devotional- The Holy Spirit's Impact
When a person comes to know Christ, or when that person asks Christ to be the Lord and Savior of their life, Scripture says that the Holy Spirit will then live in, around and flow out of them. That doesn’t mean that person becomes perfect. We know that. But, the Holy Spirit does become that person’s helper, comfort, intercessor, counselor, strength, teacher, and power. It helps that person to pray and to spread the good news locally, regionally, and throughout the world.

Friday Devotional- God's Words Become Ours
At the Pizza Ranch Support Center, we've been working through the Book of Acts during our weekly prayer time. Last week we saw the incredible introduction of the Holy Spirit to Christians. They heard, saw, felt, and did things that were unexplainable, or so they thought.

Thursday Video - Christmas Melody

Wednesday - Stories of Impact
David Norte has worked at the Manchester Pizza Ranch since 2004. David has been a great team member. David has been diagnosed with cancer...
Tuesday Truths - Be Humble
"Be humble by putting the needs of others before yourself."

Monday Mission - Serving Others
We just finished our 7th Mission Trip to Jamaica! We work with the Jacob Wells Church and have built a great bond with them.…

Friday Devotional- The Great Gift
At the Pizza Ranch Support Center we’ve been working our way through the Book of Acts during our weekly prayer time. Since starting Acts 1, we’ve been anticipating the arrival of the great gift that Jesus said would be coming. That great gift is the arrival of the Holy Spirit; the gift that would live in, around, and flow out of all those who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Thursday Video - Twelve Days of Christmas
To get you prepared for the Christmas season, check out one of my favorite holiday videos courtesy of The United Student Ministries at Crossroads Bible Church: