Monday Mission - Put Down Your Phone
It is estimated the average person spends over 4 Hours a day on their mobile phone!

Friday Devotional- How Then Should We Live
Guest Post from our Director of Training and Development, Jason L: As we’ve continued on looking into the book of Acts, God called us to Acts 1:12-14

Friday Devotional- Jesus Will Return
Acts 1: 8-11 tells the story of Jesus being taken up into the clouds right in front of the disciples before their very eyes.

Thursday Video
Listen closely to the words of "Create in Me a Clean Heart" by Keith Green

Wednesday Story of Impact- Papillion Pizza Ranch
The Bellevue-based Appalachian Construction Crew is partnering with Papillion’s Pizza Ranch to raise funds to build a home for a needy Appalachian family in June 2019. It will be the group’s 35th home.

Tuesday Truths- Time with God
True Intimacy

Monday Mission - Do the Right Thing
Great challenge today to do what is right!

Friday Devotional- The Strategic Plan
Last week we heard about the Great Gift that Jesus was talking to his disciples about. This Great Gift is the Holy Spirit, given…

Thursday Video- What's your why?
What drives YOU to keep working? We asked our Chief Vision Officer, "What's Your Why?" Check out his response:

Wednesday Story of Impact- Alexandria, MN
We know the impact caring people have on a restaurant, and Dan and Tracy Gray are making a big impact in their Pizza Ranch in Alexandria, MN.

Tuesday Truth- Are you a Pumpkin?
Are you a pumpkin? Long ago I heard an analogy like this:

Monday Mission- Dare to Help
If you're like me you're enjoying cooler weather and changing of the seasons. But not everyone enjoys this time of year, especially when it comes to fall yard work.