Friday Devotional - The Power of Words
In my past life I worked for a couple of different newspapers. I spent some time interning with the regional newspaper during college, then spent the first few years after college working for a small newspaper in one of the local towns, working mainly with sports but some news as well. One thing that always stood out to me working at the newspaper is the power words can have.
Thursday Video - Faith on the Field
Viking's quarterback Kirk Cousins wasn't supposed to be the starting quarterback when he was first drafted into the league in 2012. Drafted behind the…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Orange City, IA
On Wednesday, September 12th the Orange City Pizza Ranch held a Community Impact Night for their Guest Services Manager, Teresa Van Voorst. Teresa has…

Tuesday Truth - He will FIGHT for you.
"The Lord will fight for you. You only need to be still." Exodus 14:14

Monday Mission - Prioritize
Life can be busy. Before you know it you feel like you're 6-feet deep in work, kids, devotions, church, bills, meal planning, activities, etc. …

Thursday Video - Just Breathe
Life gets chaotic, just breathe. Even God took a day to rest! Genesis 2:2 "And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Monticello, IA
The good folks at the Monticello, IA Pizza Ranch recently gave a lifetime pass to a very special guest.

Tuesday Truth - Works!
Each time you smile your brain feels really happy. Smiling activates the release of feel-good-messengers that work towards fighting stress.

Monday Mission - Be Anonymous
This week, be anonymous. Leave an anonymous note for someone giving them a word of encouragement or thanks.

Friday Devotional- FACTS
We are continuing our study on the Book of Acts. Acts 1:3 says, “After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God.” How do we know that this is true? How do we know that Jesus actually walked on earth, died, arose from the dead and then walked the earth for 40 some days?

Friday Devotional- The Book of Acts
Every Thursday morning at 8:04 (CT) we get together here at Pizza Ranch Corporate for prayer and devotions. This week we started a journey through the Book of Acts. Acts 1:1 says, “ In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach.”

Thursday Video- Bow Wow Buddies
I have been doing a lot of traveling recently and spent some time in the Little Rock, Arkansas airport...